Monday, July 28, 2008

Growing Up So Fast

I thought this chair would be a great idea to get for Gavin who is seriously bored during all of our meals. A friend of mine had this chair for her son and though I've seen booster seats (we have one for Devin) I had never seen one with a removable toy tray. Now he is eating solids but I usally feed him a little later than we eat (in hopes of a full nights sleep HA!). He sits so well in this chair that we're getting rid of the bulky high chair. It's great too since we can take it with us to resturants/family's houses who may not have a highchair. Doesn't he look like he growing too fast?! It has been so nice not having to entertain Gavin during meals or have him sitting on my lap and fighting his every hand movement to grab a handful of my dinner.

** Another Gavin Development Update**

Yesterday he went from being on his belly playing on the floor to sitting up on his bottom all by himself. My LAST little baby is growing TOO fast! *Tear* :(

As I'm typing this he is trucking it from the toy room into the hallway to check out the shaddow on the wall! Ahh....he's such a cutie!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Another Playdate at Kiddie Land

Devin's "New Swimmin' Poo"

Since it's just too hard to take Devin to the water park my myself this year with 2 kids I decided it would just be better to buy a little pool for Devin to play in. It has already been a good investment. We just got it in yesterday and we've already spent about 4 hours in it! I think he might just like it a little bit!

It has a little basketball goal, ring toss, and a slide. The slide is pretty small and you don't go down very fast but Devin seems to have a blast on it anyway. There is also a little place to hook up the hose and the water comes out of the top of the pool like a sprinkler. He has lots of fun out there. He woke up this morning asking to go outside to his "swimmin' poo".

Mr. Caterpillar Video

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fun With Mr. Caterpillar

Yesterday while we were outside playing Devin happened to find a caterpillar in his wagon. Due to his recent obsession with bugs it was his instant playmate. After some dunkings in the water and scoopings with the hand shovel I have a hard time believing that he survived the rest of the day. Rest in peace Mr. Caterpillar and thank you for sacrificing yourself for toddler exploration.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Playdate at Kiddie Land

Like Daddy!

This morning I came into the bathroom to find that Devin had somehow gotten my mascara out of the case and opened it. When I asked him what he was doing he said "Look like Daddy". I have decided that either Chris wears my make-up when I'm gone (in that case he needs to learn where you're supposed to put mascara) or Devin was drawing on facial hair. I thought it was too funny and cute not to share this one!

I've Figured Out How To Splash!

On The Move

Monday, July 14, 2008